Isis Day Pagan Publishers™

Isis Day Pagan, Wiccan, Witchy & Witchcraft

Dr. Isis Day is a Witch. She is also a Spiritual/Holistic Practitioner, a Reiki Level III Master, a Vegan, a Spiritual Counselor, a Chaplain, a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Musician (a very talented Keyboardist), with a doctorate degree in Pastoral Counseling Psychology. She's also the author of some books, namely:

*'Joan of Arc: A Role Model For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers - How To Spiritually Achieve Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive;'

*'Reiki for Witches: A Multi-Purpose Holistic Tool For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers;'

*'Witches Unite! - Magic and Witchcraft: Our Gift, Our Heritage, Our Power!;'

*'Magic Is God; Blessed Be!' and

*'I Am A Witch; I Choose Paganism - The Real Truth About Witches, Wizards, Pagans and Witchcraft.'

She also compiled and re-titled some of the songs for the music CD album - 'Full Moon' - from some of the works she did with Johanka: The Julius Williams Orchestra.
She resides in Houston, Texas, USA.


1.  Joan Of Arc - A Role Model For Witches, Wizards, Pagans And New-agers - Sample4eg

Great! Someone has finally had the courage to put Joan of Arc where she belongs, to re-unite her with her true brothers and sisters -- Witches, Pagans and New-Agers.

Joan Of Arc: A Role Model For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers, is a thesis on How To Spiritually Achieve Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive, with the legendary Joan of Arc as a model of possibility worthy of emulation by all who wish to follow a Spiritual, Pagan or New-Age approach to life, thus manifesting complete prosperity and success in their lives, because you deserve a successful life and a happy ending materially, socially, career-wise and holistically. Everybody can find a place in Joan of Arc's world, especially Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers. Joan of Arc was condemned and burned at the stake as a Witch despite her open denouncement of such an accusation. But, was she truly a Witch or just a religiously pious teenager? She saved her French people from the English in a manner that is beyond any human expectation. She was super-clairaudient and clairvoyant; she raised the dead and predicted verifiable events accurately; was she psychic or simply favored by the gods?

Dr. Isis Day is a Witch. She is also a Spiritual/Holistic Practitioner, a Reiki Level III Master, a Vegan, a Spiritual Counselor, a Chaplain, a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Musician (a very talented Keyboardist), with a doctorate degree in Pastoral Counseling Psychology. She's also the author of some books, namely: 'Joan of Arc: A Role Model For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers - How To Spiritually Achieve Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive;' 'Reiki for Witches: A Multi-Purpose Holistic Tool For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers;' 'Witches Unite! - Magic and Witchcraft: Our Gift, Our Heritage, Our Power!;' 'Magic Is God; Blessed Be!' and 'I Am A Witch; I Choose Paganism - The Real Truth About Witches, Wizards, Pagans and Witchcraft.' She also compiled and re-titled some of the songs for the music CD album - 'Full Moon' - from some of the works she did with Johanka: The Julius Williams Orchestra. She resides in Houston, Texas, USA. Her website is

This book, Joan Of Arc: A Role Model For Witches, Wizards, Pagans and New-Agers is adapted from Joan Of Arc: A Role Model For Metaphysicians, by Julius Miracle Williams, Ph.D.; (JoDArc Publishers™). The following books: Joan Of Arc: A Role Model For Achievers, Joan Of Arc: A Role Model For Believers, and Joan Of Arc: A Role Model For Metaphysicians, are very (about 95%) identical to this one. So, if you've read one, you don't really have to read the other, except if you wish to do so.
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